Hello My Faithful Blogging Friends!
It has taken me a while to pull myself together after the tragic loss of my brother but I wanted to take the time to thank everyone for the emails, comments & cards that I received in the mail. It means a lot to me knowing that so many people that I haven't even met care so much.
I know that some people can blog their way through grief & I thought I was tough enough to deal with anything until I got the call about my brother. I can honestly say that I fell completely apart and haven't had a clear head in months. We were extremely close being that he was the baby and I was always his overly protective Big Sister. We had many great times together and with the Holidays upon us, it is really rough here in my home.
Thanksgiving was extremely sad because that was when he would always pull a surprise visit and the kiddos would be so excited to see him. I have many wonderful memories of him and will be working on his scrapbook very slowly as it's still extremely hard to go through all his personal belongings. I still can't believe he's gone and will never come home again. I have a LOT of bad days where I can barely leave my home but I know that in time--a long time--I will be OK.
My children have been AWESOME during this difficult time! They have lifted me up and let me know that it's OK, they've shown me nothing but love & I am beyond words for how I feel about them. I guess I've raised them right & have shown them the love that I'm now receiving. I thank God for them and all of you!!!
Bear with me a bit more while I get things together so I can start posting again. I'm seriously out of the loop & I hope you understand.
Until Next Time....
Hugs & Love,